
corporal punishment © I am Benue 2019

Education, Stories 18/03/2019 by Doosughun Takur

Corporal Punishment and School Fees 

This is no lie; the system has failed us.  The system has failed us. We live in a society where the government has abandoned everyone, leaving people to create their blueprint on how their environment should work. People drill boreholes for water, they hire guards for their security, they buy generators, inverters and solar panels for their electricity and in […]

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© I am Benue 2017

Inspirational, Stories 27/11/2017 by Wanter Tor-Uja

Run Your Own Race

There’s this lady who sold food in the canteen in my office. She was a cleaner who used to bring food to sell so they gave her one small room to be selling her food. N500 a plate, nothing serious. We used to dash her change of N200 and gather old clothes for her kids. Anyway, like 3 years ago […]

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Creatives, Music 30/07/2017 by Akaafele


Rap 1 My life won’t be complete if I don’t speak the truth, Involved in fast era of life we all confuse, No visual insight where we heading, lost nature, compromising evil against humanity we lost it, Look around you will see, Matthew 24:7, Guess the prophecies are true, Words spoken years ago, how can this be? They dominate our […]

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Education, Stories 17/05/2017 by Tersoo Edward Antsah

I Love Me An Expressive Woman

Semi nude! Usually, I try to stay out of stuff like this but I’ll make an exception. While what I’m saying may just be my opinion, it will certainly include some facts. We live in a society where our Nigerian men have set unreasonable expectations for women to follow and adhere to. Anything outside of the conversational thought process get […]

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Leadership, Stories 20/02/2017 by Professor Shima Gyoh

Facts About Capital Punishment

1. Death itself is not painful. The moment of dying is preceded by loss of consciousness during which the body feels nothing. This deep level of coma is used by doctors to conduct operations. It is diseases leading to death that are painful, not death itself. 2. People sustaining gunshot wounds do not feel pain when the bullet is cutting […]

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Inspirational, Stories 1/10/2016 by Akaafele

What Manner of Education? 1

“In school, teach him. It is far more honorable to fail than to cheat to pass. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas even if everyone tells him they are wrong.” –  Abraham Lincoln, 16th US President. Recently, there has been an increased clamor for education of almost every kind. From children to adults, people of almost every […]

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