Inspirational, Stories 5/11/2013 by Akaafele

Be Ministered; This Quote is a ministration!

It was Abraham Lincoln one of the greatest leaders in American history who said “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” Most times when I take this up with my fellow Nigerians, I am told Nigeria is not the kind of country you tow such lines with as it has […]

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Inspirational, Stories 4/11/2013 by Robert Ekpeme

Unity In Diversity; I am Benue

Our cry for a better Benue should be devoid of sentiments and born out of the need to look within and rid our land of the disease of disunity, ethnic and political rivalry, and all those factors that impede our development as a state. Benue like mother Nigeria is a plural and heterogeneous state in terms of the different ethnic […]

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Inspirational, Stories 4/11/2013 by Akaafele

Why pay to get a surviving job in Nigeria?

When you live in Nigeria, what you see and experience daily will convince you of the rate at which corruption has eaten deep into the fabric of the Nigerian system. Corruption thrives so much such that it has become part of the people’s culture. The moral and values decadence in the Nigerian society has led to situation where by people […]

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Inspirational, Stories 4/11/2013 by Akaafele

Corruption: The main bane of our economy

Many of us never stop to think of the alarming effects of corruption on the individual and the society as a whole. The canker-worm of corruption has actually eaten deep into the fabric of our society. The effects of corruption has over the years hitherto retarded our development as a nation and tainted our image/reputation both locally and before the […]

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Inspirational, Stories 9/04/2013 by Akaafele

Why are you there?

There is something that most of us never do, that is ask ourselves why we want certain things; power, influence, fame or fortune. To stay honest, at least to ourselves, we all need to understand our motives for what they really are. Questions like, what makes us so sure that we are the people who should get put out there, […]

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Inspirational, Stories 26/03/2013 by Akaafele

Minister yourselve

It was Abraham Lincoln one of the greatest leaders in American history who said “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” Most times when I take this up with my fellow Nigerians, I am told Nigeria is not the kind of country you tow such lines with as it has […]

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Inspirational, Stories 26/03/2013 by Akaafele

What to Rebrand, Nigerian or Nigeria?

It is the million dollar question we will try to answer today. A few years ago we heard Nigeria’s then Minister of Information Prof. Dora Akunyili go on about re-branding Nigeria and I laughed. Why? Well here’s why… Read on Nigeria cannot be re-branded except Nigerians are re-branded, that is the simple truth and there are no two ways about […]

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Inspirational, Stories 26/03/2013 by Akaafele

Be prepared!

It was Abraham Lincoln who said he would prepare and wait for his opportunity and when it came, he would take it; I’m afraid I totally agree with him a hundred percent! You do not wait for life to just happen, you actually make life happen, you live life and there is no way better than to prepare for it, […]

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Inspirational, Stories 26/03/2013 by Robert Ekpeme

Ctrl + Z That Bad Habit Today

”It has become a regular practice for me and now I do it automatically. I find myself cut up in the act, some times consciously and most times unconsciously.” Yeah! That’s the voice of Mr. ‘HABIT’ speaking up there. A fixed regular way of doing things or a learned bevahiour pattern, which could be positive or negative. At first, a […]

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Inspirational, Stories 25/03/2013 by Akaafele

This is why Benue state people migrate from home

Migration is simply the movement of people from one place to another. Migration is not a practice exclusive to Benue people but cuts across all tribes, race and nationality of the world. People migrate in Nigeria for various reasons, like for security reasons which involves a movement away from riots/conflict torn places/states to more peaceful states, other factors revolve around […]

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