Inspirational, Stories 30/01/2014 by Akaafele

Why Are You There?

There is something that most of us never do, that is ask ourselves why we want certain things; power, influence, fame or fortune. To stay honest, at least to ourselves, we all need to understand our motives for what they really are. Questions like, what makes us so sure that we are the people who should get put out there, […]

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Inspirational, Stories 30/01/2014 by Akaafele

Finding Motivation

Motivation for most is the bedrock of creativity because it primarily deals with one’s imaginative power. Motivation is therefore the needed push to attain a certain degree of consciousness and direction. Regardless of how you understand motivation, the desire to do something is usually the drive that allows you or anyone else to achieve a given aim. Motivation occurs on […]

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Inspirational, Stories 30/01/2014 by Akaafele

Talking Media Material; Corrupted and Uncorrupted

In today’s world where it is easy to view, listen to or read corrupted and uncorrupted material. There are concerns that the influence of corrupted madia has overshadowed that of uncorrupted media material, especially where youths are concerned. It is proper to entertain the fear that youths are prone to become highly immoral: exhibit tendencies for crime and violence, lean […]

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Inspirational, Stories 22/01/2014 by David Pember

How a Benue Person Refused Changing

It is surprising how the Benue person has refused to change over the years, amidst evident changes in the environment and mentality of people all around them. I remember as a child, when rumour came in that, a woman was caught trying to cut off the head of Sarwaun Tarka’s dead and buried body in Gboko. There were at least […]

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Health, Inspirational, Stories 17/01/2014 by Akaafele

The paradox of our time

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgement; more experts, […]

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Inspirational, Stories 13/11/2013 by Robert Ekpeme

Loosing Touch With Reality

Trending and much debated on today is the passive battle between the cyber world and the real world for control over individuals. This leaves me to wonder if one could strike a balance between modern technology particularly the internet on one hand and real life on the other hand in the traditional sense of it. Modern technology has no doubt […]

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Inspirational, Stories 13/11/2013 by Robert Ekpeme

Keeping In Touch With Your Benue Roots

Staying connected to Benue state and the trending happenings in the state is imperative not only for those resident in state but also for people of Benue origin in Diaspora (within Nigeria and abroad). Its quite a challenge for Diasporans because the longer you live in Diaspora and perhaps without constant visits home and sustainable contact with people of same […]

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Inspirational, Stories 13/11/2013 by Robert Ekpeme

Harnessing Your Potentials

Every one has a potential, a talent or gift exclusive of the skill acquired through teaching, formal education or the learning process. What’s that thing that you have passion for and love doing more than anything else? Am talking about an ability you are born with. Good news coming to you from the stables of ‘Iam Benue’ today is, that […]

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Inspirational, Stories 13/11/2013 by Robert Ekpeme

Passing On The Baton

They were all seated down in the living room watching a movie when the next door neighbour came in to pay them a visit. Mama in their native language codedly told her grand children of 15 & 18 yrs old respectively to get the visitor some kola and then go out and play so she could discuss certain issues with […]

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Inspirational, Stories 6/11/2013 by Akaafele

Rising Above Sentiments

The word “sentiment” is defined by as a “thought influenced by emotion.” Generally, sentiments are preconceived thoughts, opinions, ideas, views, feelings and attitudes we display towards certain issues. Sentiments are responsible for the way we feel about a particular thing or person usually before we have accurate information about them. This piece considers why we hold certain sentiments and […]

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