
© IamBenue Meg Otanwa 2018

Security, Stories 20/01/2018 by Meg Otanwa

Dear President Muhammadu Buhari

One fateful day I received numerous calls from home: “A u Fulani! A u fulani!! E ku pewa eh,” meaning, “The Fulanis! The Fulanis! They’ve come again!” It was Jan 17th last year, the herdsmen had attacked a neighbouring village and the villagers had run into our village for safety. The marauders took lives and left a trail of destruction […]

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Education, Stories 8/04/2017 by Prof. Yima Sen

They want our land; But who are they?

I am in a fiery mood today and I plead that you read me and think before commenting. Progressive praxis, that is theory plus practice demands a class analysis as well as a proper understanding of difference and its implications. I will apply both here regarding the Tiv question. The Tiv are Bantoid, in fact proto-Bantu, the original Bantu. They […]

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Leadership, Stories 8/04/2017 by His Royal Highness Muhammadu Sanusi, Emir of Kano the second

I am Fulani… The fault is ours

“Let me start by saying that I am Fulani (laughter). My grandfather was an Emir also Fulani my uncle and guardian was also the immediate late Emir of kano Alhaji Ado Bayero and therefore I represent all that has been talked about this afternoon. Sir Ajayi has written a book. And like all Nigerians of his generation, he has written […]

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Security, Stories 14/03/2017 by Iorliam'Amo Shija

Fulani This, Fulani That

The planting season is almost here again in rural Benue, and once more, as it has become common in recent past, the farmers are afraid and uncertain. They are afraid of the nomadic Fulanis who descend, year in year out, with their cattle from the far north into the marshes of the middle belt to graze. From time immemorial, the […]

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