ogbono © I am Benue 2023

Culture, Food, Stories 7/05/2022 by Omakeche Rebecca Odoh

The Idoma’s Special Delicacy: Okoho Soup

One experience I will never forget from our vacations as a family to the village for Christmas celebration is the big basin full of wraps of pounded yam and okoho soup to celebrate that families are home and together. At that time, eating okoho soup was an interesting battle, take my word for it. It requires a special technique to […]

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mimidoo williams © I am Benue 2021

Culture, Relationship, Stories 30/10/2021 by I am Benue

The Hidden Secret Of The Benue Woman

I was highly disappointed reading a debate recently about Benue women being given to visitors as “kola”. Well, thank God for the person who vindicated Benue women! She was not even from Benue State but has lived in Benue all her life. According to the English Dictionary and Thesaurus, a woman is “an adult female person”, however, I refer to […]

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vegetablesoup © I am Benue 2021

Culture, Food, Stories 28/04/2021 by Lucy Ehigocho Agih

My Simple Vegetable Soup Recipe

So, I had a video conversation with Akaa Fele while in the kitchen trying to prepare to cook. I decided to rub it in knowing he’s out of the country that I was making vegetable soup. OK, while this story? Ehmmm… I don’t even know, but well I’d like to share my simple recipe with you and this was Akaa’s […]

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Oluwayemisi Ojo © I am Benue 2021

Culture, Food, Stories 1/04/2021 by Oluwayemisi Ojo

Bier And Akpukpa Is For Lovers Of Good Natural Food

February 2019, as I was about rounding up my service year, despite the fears of the security challenges in Benue state that time, I applied as INEC Adhoc for the 2019 election, and got my posting to Gaadi, a suburban area in Makurdi. My team and I parked lightly, a plain trouser, on a khaki top, an extra top we […]

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Stories, Travel 12/01/2021 by Akaafele

This Is My Otukpa Story; My Name Is Blaize Eche

“Travelling is a form of therapy for me” Otukpa the headquarter of Ogbadibo Local Government Area was on the radial for boxing day so I made my way to the park and boarded a bus going to my home town; Otukpa branch. I had the privilege of God’s omnipresence in a small Church of less than 30person, where God spoke […]

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Culture, Tradition 31/12/2020 by Doosuur Ukula

Few Reasons Why Christmas Remains Magical In Benue State

Christmas season happens to have a wave of distinct experiences. I thought as I sat immersed in a pool of flowing thoughts. Christmas felt good, a season that brought hope and good tidings. I have siblings who had left us for greener pastures to other states and who rarely came home because they had no time at work. But the […]

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Ejeh Olivia © I am Benue 2020

Culture, Stories 13/08/2020 by Olivia Ejeh

Q. Do The Igede People Marry Tiv People?

The question I hate being asked as an Igede lady. I mean I can’t even say Yes, No, Maybe… I just laugh and walk away because I don’t even know and can’t tell why. We all belong to one human race… To me, that’s all that matters For all I know, the tribal or communal or whatever crises the Igedes […]

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