Age Of Gratitude
So today I turn 38. It’s been a long shot. There is so much to say or spill, but I will just summarize. The rest will come up in a book someday.
The Lord has been merciful to me. I shouldn’t have been alive today if not for his mercies. I’ve escaped murder, survived a drowning river, got picked from the dry and dusty sands of a small village in the eastern part of Lafia. I’ve experienced psychological abuses, got bathed severally with shame. I’ve seen poverty and want and all the shame and dry feelings that come with it. I have served on tables of Kings, stood in Chambers and palaces of the rich and mighty. I have also been privileged to sit side by side with the high and powerful; worked for them and even advice a few. I have been through all the strata of our social life. And yet I live to testify of the goodness of the Lord.
I have been blessed with the most beautiful family one can ever wish to have – a beautiful and wonderful wife and baby words can’t describe. I have equally been blessed with the burden of a mission and a sound mind. I am blessed by all standard.
At 38, I have nothing more to ask of God than thank him for choosing me, an unworthy son of Nyikwagh, to shower me with so many blessings.
I will also want to thank those who have stood by me over the years. My wife and daughter – for your patience, love and understanding. The Nyikwagh family – for the unconditional love and sacrifices despite my many shortcomings. The Ityo family – for your continuous support and love and tolerance. The Torbundehs, for your unending love and care. From the bottom of my heart, I truly appreciate.
To my friends, too many to mention, I say thank you for believing in me, tolerating me and continually reminding me of who I am and what my journey in life is. I appreciate.
To my Facebook family, thank you all for the continuous inputs and encouragement. I appreciate.
The future is bright. Though the burden of what I’ve been shown on the mountaintop is heavy, I anchor my faith on the ability of He who has found me worthy of the task and I believe that my life will be an instrument in his hand and his name will be glorified by my story.
May his goodness and mercies found us all!