Loosing Touch With Reality
Trending and much debated on today is the passive battle between the cyber world and the real world for control over individuals. This leaves me to wonder if one could strike a balance between modern technology particularly the internet on one hand and real life on the other hand in the traditional sense of it. Modern technology has no doubt made it possible to achieve a lot more on a global scale than could be traditionally achieved, it has created avenues for sharing ideas, communicating, doing business and making friends all over the world that we’ve never met before, we never meet and might never meet face-to-face.
A situation where by individuals think having over 4000 friends on the internet rocks more than developing real friendship at school, work or home.
Once upon a time, prior to the advent of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and the likes, when people attached high value to relationship (family and friendship) in the real life. Those days when high importance is placed on physical and interpersonal interactions with friends, families, neighbours and colleagues.
Modern technology has today made the reverse to be the case today mostly amongst the younger generation and some who belong to the older generation that are swimming with the tide, as higher value seem to be attached to developing relationships in the cyber world than the desire for it in the real/physical world. A situation where by individuals think having over 4000 friends on the internet rocks more than developing real friendship at school, work or home.
The pertinent question to ask in the face of this trend is whether cyber relationships can perfectly replace real life relationships?
The truth is that there’s no perfect replacement for those friends and families you can see, feel and touch, those people who watch you hurt, cry and console you in your difficult moments, people you share real life experiences with, who are there when you need them, and who you can develop true and lasting relationships with after critically assessing them.
No matter how easy the internet has made life or how easy it is to say Hi to a total stranger on social media, it is really not enough to be contented with living life entirely in the cyber world. The cyber world which apparently is a part of the real world was created to compliment activities in the real world or the traditional way of doing things but not to replace them as we seem to be doing today. Don’t be too obsessed with the cyber world that you loose touch of the real world. Striking a balance between both worlds is the way forward in this regard.