
Inspirational, Stories 11/06/2020 by Ngunan Ioron Aloho

Are You Holding Yourself Accountable?

When certain services are made free, a lot of people don’t value them – this I have experienced first hand. For the past week or two. I have been on the road – juggling tasks and holding virtual sessions from our Arte- Vision closure to handling support for our past clients. In all the time I devote time to give […]

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nigeria labour congress © I am Benue 2018

Leadership, Stories 21/04/2018 by Sidney Dooyum Ahura

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC Benue State Council And The Mandate Of Betrayal And Bootlicking

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) which is supposed to be the body saddled with the responsibility of fighting for the welfare of workers has made itself an addendum of the government in Benue state and continues to take sides with the government against the workers it collects dues from and whose interest they were constituted to defend. It would be […]

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