
idoma wedding © I am Benue 2019

Culture, Stories 10/03/2019 by Angela Omaji

Returning Our Daughters Home; Our Customs And Traditions

Diary of an Idoma lady The Idoma people have so many customs and traditions which bid our people together and to the modern generation (21th century generation) it seems overbearing especially to the female gender. Most of these customs are gender sensitive and applied mostly to the female gender  Daddy girls even after marriage still prefers to be buried beside […]

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Culture, Stories 29/12/2018 by Nessa Ichull

Yes! You Actually Feel Home; I’m Home!

I’m home Confession of a true ‘ajebota.’  When the plane landed in Abuja I cried. Yes, real tears the person sitting next to me started laughing. The whole flight I was talking to him about how excited I am to be back home after 11 years!! And seeing Nigeria again was really emotional for me. I wanted to see River […]

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© IamBenue Meg Otanwa 2018

Security, Stories 20/01/2018 by Meg Otanwa

Dear President Muhammadu Buhari

One fateful day I received numerous calls from home: “A u Fulani! A u fulani!! E ku pewa eh,” meaning, “The Fulanis! The Fulanis! They’ve come again!” It was Jan 17th last year, the herdsmen had attacked a neighbouring village and the villagers had run into our village for safety. The marauders took lives and left a trail of destruction […]

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