My Journey To Thirty; My Name Is Fidelia Adasu-Agera, IamBenue
April 24th 1988, the family of Adasu Jimin witnessed the awesomeness of God as they welcomed a new born baby, it was a beautiful Sunday morning and their joy knew bound. I took my first breathe as a baby who later grew into a beautiful brilliant child, I was told to be a very gentle, quiet and peaceful person.
Growing up was fun for me, I enjoyed good health, started school back then in my village but work got my dad moving from one place to the other and so we had to go with him in pursuit of good education.
I remember my younger brother who loved groundnut would always sneak into the store make a space behind the bags and eat most of the groundnuts and hide the peals, my parents wouldn’t know until the bags started to sink lol
We finally settled in Vandeikya where I got my first school leaving certificate from Jack and Jill Nursery and Primary School in 1999/2000 academic session. In the quest for more knowledge, I got admitted into the Hilltop College Notre Dame Girls Secondary School which was founded by the school sisters of Notre Dame but later transferred to Queen of the Holy Rosary Secondary School due to the communal crises that was going on. I left Notre Dame 2000/2001 academic session for Queens and finally graduated from secondary school July, 2007. I couldn’t gain admission into the university immediately because I had to stay back home for 1 year to carter for my parents who were both sick at the moment.
Learning from my parents; my business foundation:
Growing up as a kid who was born in a remote village at Iber in Konshisha local government with a humble background, I saw my mum do a lot of petty businesses to augment her teaching job which paid her very little and my dad who did a lot of storage of grains and yams to sell when the commodities where highly priced. I remember my younger brother who loved groundnut would always sneak into the store make a space behind the bags and eat most of the groundnuts and hide the peals, my parents wouldn’t know until the bags started to sink lol, they always concluded it was rodents, (human rodents) until he was caught . I don’t know who sold him out though lol, but I was one of those rodents on some occasions too you know.
I cried severally yes but again I was contempt with the little my parents always provided for me because when ever their situation got better, we had better provisions and visiting days too.

I also helped her sell palm oil, grains, garri, akpukpa (okpa), kerosene, beans and a whole lot of other petty things she ventured in. The fun of being able to sell as a kid and have money even though it wasn’t my personal money made me look forward to selling every blessed day. I remember people always told my mum that I was very respectful because I would always be the first to greet anyone that came into our compound with the hope that they had come to buy something I guess that formed my business foundation.
Life challenges, and my secondary school experience:

Growing up came with its unique challenges. We all had our good and bad times, I dreaded the bad times but of course I couldn’t run away from them. Attending a boarding school like Queens where we had a mixture of the rich, middle class and the poor, as a child from a poor/humble background you needed a large heart and the grace of God to stay sane and not be swayed by the rich kids in other not to bring disgrace or embracement to your parents.
I remember those painful moments when I and my brother had to resume school with just garri, sugar, soap and omo, with little or no pocket money and all that. On several occasions my mum had to pick those items on credit just so we could resume school.
I had grown out of my shell, and as the course representative in my department I had mastered the art of speaking to people and my being popular gave me an advantage.
One may ask why was the situation that bad even though we were just two? It was because my father being the first child whose father had died quite early was saddled with the responsibility of taking care of his siblings, step ones, foster children and other relatives. Yes they did other businesses too but the money was not just enough due to the huge responsibilities so by the time our school fees/tuition was paid my poor mother would be left with our upkeep. We always cried going back to school but my mother would always advice us to hold on, that things would certainly get better and we would be happy and all that on several occasions we were not visited, I know how much I used to cry seeing other children happy because they were visited. Most times I used to cry and wish that my mum could just come to see me even without provisions just so I wouldn’t feel lonely and all but in my sad mood I would always console myself after crying that if it was possible for her she would have made it to my visiting day.

Sometimes, God would answer my prayers and my provisions would be sent to me after visiting day, sometimes my mates and friends would have to share their toiletries and sanitary towels with me pending when am visited, but in all of these I kept my faith, I cried severally yes but again I was contempt with the little my parents always provided for me because when ever their situation got better, we had better provisions and visiting days too. I really can’t forget my favourite soap “flower soap” that used to come in rainbow colours, I’m sure the producers made good cash that time because of people like us, I used it a lot because it was cheap. I remember some students who begged for soap to bath in the bathroom rejected mine because it was a flower soap they didn’t know they did me a favour, at least my soap lasted and my Vaseline (pomade) too lol. Life in the boarding house was sweet and sour you know.
Again I didn’t have rich uncles who could spoil us with money, luxury travels, and holidays my parents were my all and they always provided for us no matter how little. Being the first child with all the resemblance of my dad and paternal grandmother I was loved and pampered in their own way to the extent some people thought I couldn’t do anything hard as per the ajekpako that I was lol.
Waking the business guru in me:
I got into the university and discovered I needed more money, my needs increased, I wanted to help people, I wanted a better life, my parents were always there for me, our living condition had improved greatly but I wanted to be of less burden to my parents so I had to awake the sleeping giant, the business guru in me, and so I started selling clothes, jewelleries, perfumes. My friend who was in the U.S then would bring stuff, I would help him sell and get my share. Later my sister in law started sending some stuff whenever she travelled, it was easy for me to sell because I had grown out of my shell, and as the course representative in my department I had mastered the art of speaking to people and my being popular gave me an advantage.
Upon graduation, I started travelling to Lagos to buy things and come back and sell, it wasn’t easy but I was dedicated.
I tried several other businesses to see which a lot was easier but phew! None! Each business had its unique challenges so I kept pushing and am here today.
Fast forward; marriage:

I got married 30th September and 2nd November 2013 respectively and I had to relocate to Makurdi, this brought a major setback to my business as most of my debtors refused to pay and I lost about N50,000 in the business. Marriage also came with its challenges I had to settle down and start other businesses that did not warrant me travelling. I started making zobo drink, my husband would even help take it to his office and sell to his colleagues while I sold some at home. It wasn’t bringing money that much but at least I was happy giving people value through my zobo drink because business for me is about giving value to customers, the money comes later. From zobo I added water and anything just anything I could lay my hands on that solved a need.

Having a heart that is as soft as a baby yet as bold as a lion, I always dared to try. I moved from one business to the other, network marketing, selling cosmetics, food supplements, food business, perfumes and so forth, it wasn’t easy, the stress of going up and down with my goods because I didn’t have a shop, motherhood and a whole lot was and is nerve breaking but I never gave up especially with the support of my husband and family. I tried several other businesses to see which was a lot easier but phew! None! Each business had its unique challenges so I kept pushing and am here today.
I saw the prevalent need to go into agriculture to lend my voice for my brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers who voices are not heard and to help secure a future for the young generation.
My big dreams are alive:

As a young vibrant lady growing up, I had a lot of big dreams, I love education so I wanted to be a professor before 30, I couldn’t achieve that but that dream is still alive in me.
In my hustle I saw the need to further my education so I enrolled for my post graduate diploma in Public Administration and I hope to do my masters degree soon.
As someone who is a humanitarian and philanthropic at heart, I always had this dream of working with one of these big organizations U.N, UNICEF, ECOWAS, I also dreamed of owning one of the biggest non-governmental Organization that would touch a lot of lives, I am not there yet but I know I will someday because each day I wake up I strive towards achieving my dreams and no matter how weak and slow my tiny steps maybe what is important is the fact that I am still moving.
In my hustle and as events in Nigeria unfolded, I saw myself drawn to Agriculture. We all know it is the next big thing and with the way the situation in Nigeria has become financially and otherwise, I saw every need for diversification.
Having come from a state that is blessed beyond measure agriculture wise, a state that is named as the “Food Basket of the Nation” yet is so backward in all realms, a state that can showcase the country to the outer world in terms of agriculture and attract foreign investors, a state which despite it’s rich agricultural heritage, its citizens live in abject poverty, I saw the prevalent need to go into agriculture to lend my voice for my brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers who voices are not heard and to help secure a future for the young generation, this dream as supported by Mr. Clement Tume (CDO FADAMA III Benue State Chapter) gave birth to Fidnen Ltd.
FidNen Limited:

Fidnen Ltd is a Nigerian business outfit that exists to enhance good living through agriculture, environment, health, technology, fashion and style.
In terms of:
- Network:
We forge a systematic synergy between individuals and institutions of excellence in the field of agriculture and agro marketing with conscious efforts to environmental awareness and safe guard policy so as to keep to agricultural practices. - Training:
We ensure strategic capacity building of manpower with emphasis on youth and women in a bid to mainstream them in all agricultural value chain and create new business opportunities for self reliance. - Production, processing, packaging and marketing (3pm):
We facilitate the processing and marketing activities of agricultural livestock, dairy, poultry, fisheries and agro-related products with due resource to local content. (made in Nigeria, Benue Products). - Advocacy:
We enhance good living through educating our customers to understand the importance of good dietary intake, hygiene and environmental sanitation and consciousness. - Fashion and style:
We create a platform and support to enhance fashion and style. - Care:
As a way of giving back to the society we engage in outreaches both in times of need and as occasion calls. This is my gift to Benue State, Nigeria, and the world at 30.
We use this medium to also call out to people who share similar dreams as ours to be our donors, sponsors and partners to support a good course and make this dream a reality.
I don’t regret choosing this part, nothing is easy but its best to always try. I have failed severally, there were days I cried, I still do, sometimes I quit but again I still draw strength from why I started and I get back on track.
I encourage all who wish to start their own businesses, who have an ugly past, who are going through a lot at the moment that whatever happened in the past is past, focus on the now and future because where you are now is as a result of decisions you made yesterday, where you would be tomorrow would be as a result of the decisions you would make today. Take charge of your life and future, yes you can! For you’ve got greatness in you!

Finally, life is indeed a consummate of a beautiful space and I am thankful for where I am and what is to come. I am the next big thing.
Igyuve Elizabeth Mmem
Wow, this is a great inspiration for me, a lot of people out there needs to read this, God bless ur hardwork ma
Thank you for reading… Am happy you are inspired. Kindly share with your friends too
Waoooooo really touched by the strength and ability of this prestigious woman I met through a friend. she has been awesome to me like have known her for ages. Reading your story, I am moved to take a step. Thank you ma God bless you. And weldone
Jacintha my worst fear is living an unfulfilled life, leaving this world without a legacy. We can’t help but strive towards our goals every day. You can do better and the time is Now. Take Charge. Thanks for your love. I love you.
A golden fish, they say, has no hiding place. Yours isn’t about hiding and waiting to be found. Nope! It is that you had been found long ago and what’s happening now is but an unraveling. An unveiling of the prestigious gem, an icon that is beginning to wow this generation. No doubt youarebenue, however, need I remind you that youaretheUniverse!!!
Wooooooow! Am humbled Padre. Indeed I am the universe, all I can do is soar! Thanks for your powerful words I hope to keep making you all proud. Thank youuuu
“I have failed severally, there were days I cried, I still do, sometimes I quit but again I still draw strength from why I started and I get back on track” – that got me. That’s the key. Patience. A foundation well laid will last forever. God exalts the lowly and you are a description of Who God will lift up.
The bible says “at night there are tears but joy comes in the morning” Psalm 30
Joy indeed comes in the morning. Thank you Padre your words mean alot to me. I appreciate.
Jirgba Mimidoo Peniel
Wao,you’ve always been my inspiration, your beauty is unique,it is great!
Awwwwwwww thank you dearie for allowing me inspire you.. Thanks for reading too.
Adamgbe Fidelia Awashima
My senior and namesake,
Keep working hard and continue to inspire people, the sky would be your stepping stone. I read to the end. God Bless you.
Awwww God bless you name sake you can do more. God bless you.
Adamgbe Fidelia Awashima
My senior and namesake,
Keep working hard and continue to inspire people, the sky would be your stepping stone. I read to the end. God Bless you.
Nyula Sandra
Huuummmmh my dear friend more than half of your story is my story. You just wrote the story of my life. I can totally relate to everything you have written my dear friend.
We were school mates and friends back then and now we are still good friends and business partners.
Thank God for the strength . Your passion, determination, hard work and persistence is what has kept me glued to you.
We have alot in common and we relate well because of this. Thank God we don’t look like what we have being through.
Thank God we are no longer where we used to be. We are now beautiful Mompreneurs supporting our husbands and handling our businesses well.
Babe when did we grow up and turn into this women of substance?
( drops a tear while smiling)
Believe me when I say that you will go places.
The sky is your starting point.
Ahead ahead girlfriend. I am solidly behind you. God is not through with yet.
Through those hard times we grew, our growth would have been quite slow but we are here today all to the glory of God. I can’t just hold back my tears you know.. But of course they are tears of joy and strength Babe. Kings shall come to our rising, our God is indeed not done with us yet. God bless our hustle.
Wooooooow! Am humbled Padre. Indeed I am the universe, all I can do is soar! Thanks for your powerful words I hope to keep making you all proud. Thank youuuu
Dr Philip Bagu
Fidelia, I didn’t know you are such a wonderful personality. I admire your courage and strength in this tortuous journey called life. Keep it up and may God bless your hustle.
Awwwwwwww my lecturer is in the building…thank you and thank you sir. Amen to your prayers.
Charlie Adasu
I have walked passed a Cemetery before, I meditated beyond the tombs and I could only imagine, how many potential, talents, and ideas. That are buried without being scratched.
Circumstances, nature, and nurture has placed us here, and we share seize this comment.
Best wishes Ma’am. We will build that BUSINESS EMPIRE!
Exactly. For the time that we are still here let’s do our best to leave this world better than we met it. Yes a solid empire I must say. Thanks Rev.
Kwembe Comfort
Awesome, wat a touching n fulfilling story, am short of words but my dear I pray dat d Almighty enrich u in all spheres of ur life. Greater n bigger u I pray.
Amen and Amen. Thanks alot sis. God bless you for this kind words and prayer.
Terngu Kachina
I love you story. Real and fascinated. The road to success is clad with Bobby traps. The determination to succeed is the driving force.
God will bless your genuine effort to plant your good works in the sands of time.
I love your dogedness.
Asooso Deborah
Wow, am really inspired by this. I pray God gives you more grace for a greater tomorrow.