Happy New Year This February
On the 31st of December, 2022, I wanted to do a gratitude dump. I opened my notepad and I found myself looking at the blank page.
There was everything to be thankful for but I was speechless.
Last year, I spoke to God the least I’ve done in a long, long, time.
It was the most eventful year of my life, and I’ve still not been able to write about it.
Jimi has written about it in so much detail when he finally posts, I’ll just put out the link for whoever is interested to go and read it.
A year later, I’m still in a haze. I’m jaded, but it’s the most alive I’ve ever felt.
In 2022, after I left the hospital, I got another piercing. A helix, I think it’s called. I had one, years ago, before it was the rave. But people looked at me a particular way, and it I worried me, so I let it close.
Well, I did it again and this time, adon bladdy care.
I got a nose piercing, too.
I’d admired them for years, but people with big noses shouldn’t draw more attention to them, or so I thought.
Well, see me sporting a nose piercing. Big nose and all, because we don’t whaaaat?
We don bladdy care.
Here are other write-ups that might interest you to read. View:
- Are You Holding Yourself Accountable?
- Pregnancy Out Of Wedlock; My Story
- Omeche, A Benue Girl In Lagos
Last year, I was on a roll. I got tattoos. Two.
I’d always admired them but was worried about the pain.
But I finally did it. It’s not even that painful.
See me na, Tattoos, piercings, dreadlocks.
But then I cut my hair. Those my ten-year-long dreadlocks? I cut them.
Some said it was mid-life crisis. Another friend of mine worried that I was depressed.
All in all, it was just an overhaul. A town hall, different from …
It’s a beautiful opportunity to twin with Arhyel, whose hair we cut after her first birthday in September, and I’m loving every minute of it.
We will be twinning again in the future, when I reattach my locs as we will be locing her hair, too.
I’m thankful for Jimi, he’s my biggest supporter. All you have to do is mention it, and he’s in.
Anyhoo, celebrating Valentine’s day in perfect health with my loved ones, was a big win.
I’m blessed with family.
Biological and acquired.
And I don’t take it for granted.
Happy New year this February.