This Is My Otukpa Story; My Name Is Blaize Eche
“Travelling is a form of therapy for me”
Otukpa the headquarter of Ogbadibo Local Government Area was on the radial for boxing day so I made my way to the park and boarded a bus going to my home town; Otukpa branch.
I had the privilege of God’s omnipresence in a small Church of less than 30person, where God spoke to us so glaringly about our challenges and how we can overcome them this year; 2021.
The Eweto bridge road has been a favourite to commuters lately, it cuts down travel time for an upward of 3 hours or more. So we drive through Keffi-Nasarawa-Eweto-Otukpo to Otukpa travelling for 4hours 45minutes.
On arrival, I went straight to my cousin’s marriage/wedding amidst Family members and well-wishers, it felt great seeing so many faces after a long time. We danced and made merry of the good time.

The next day was a Sunday, I had the privilege of God’s omnipresence in a small Church of less than 30person, where God spoke to us so glaringly about our challenges and how we can overcome them this year; 2021.
The farm! Yes, the farm. In the company of my parents and siblings, we went to my dad’s yam farm to harvest his Uko (yellow yam), we seized the opportunity of relieving an age-long tradition of roasting yam during harvest. We made a campfire where some of the harvests lost their lives to the dry season fire.

As always, the palmwine was a good company, though in short supply due to the season, we had our fill.
My name is Blaize Eche aka Blaize Itodo
Photo Artist • Documentary Filmmaker • Media Expert
Telephone +2347063141212 | Facebook | Instagram | Website
Itodo Oliveth
Excellent Job and well deserve??????
Blaize Itodo
Thank you for the feature