
Inspirational, Stories 11/06/2020 by Ngunan Ioron Aloho

Are You Holding Yourself Accountable?

When certain services are made free, a lot of people don’t value them – this I have experienced first hand. For the past week or two. I have been on the road – juggling tasks and holding virtual sessions from our Arte- Vision closure to handling support for our past clients. In all the time I devote time to give […]

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© IamBenue 2017

Relationship, Stories 27/08/2017 by Ayila Waya

Honestly There’s Nothing Inside Marriage

The above statement is very true and a lot of people may laugh at me but they will agree it’s true. Especially with what I have seen in my marriage recently, I have been left with no choice but to believe every word of the statement that there’s nothing inside marriage, it is totally empty and I can prove it. […]

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