My Vision Of A Greater And Modern Tiv Nation - Ayatse

Culture, Stories 4/03/2017 by iambenue

My Vision Of A Greater And Modern Tiv Nation – Ayatse

Being the Acceptance Address delivered by His Majesty, Orcivirigh Professor James Ortese Iorzua Ayatse on the Occasion of His Coronation Ceremonies as Tor Tiv V on Saturday, 4th March 2017 at J.S. Tarka Stadium, Gboko. Protocol The Compliment Let me begin by appreciating and recognising the presence of the Almighty God, the creator of heavens and earth, the one who […]

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Relationship, Stories 22/02/2017 by Aondoakaa Fele

Is Marriage The End Of A Woman’s Dream?

… Isolated, Voiceless, Prisoned and all that for marriage sake! At first you were attracted to her looks, the things she does, how she dress, cook, smile, dance, walk and so on. But marrying her, you made her change most of her way of life to suit yours; That is making her to appear and behave as you want or […]

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Anna White @ I am Benue 2018

Relationship, Stories 14/02/2017 by Abu Igweye Anna

Deep Inside

I decided recently that I was no longer going to be afraid. I have always lived in fear, deep inside of me. Many people who know me will argue to their death that I am not afraid of anything, they usually would say I am one of the strongest and most courageous person they’ve ever known. But what do you […]

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Relationship, Stories 12/02/2017 by Beatrice Ngodoo Wonov

Don’t Call Me, Let Me Call You; For Married Men

Learn to respect your wife at home, why not tell your side chicks, the other women, stress releaser, strange woman and so on to call you only when you’re at work or why not say you’re married – why hide this. Your wife’s sexual urge dies off and so her feelings too, her mood changes as you must know, not […]

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Culture, Stories 27/01/2017 by Ochanya Cynthia Okwoli

Omugwo Also Known As After-Birth Care In Nigeria

‘Omugwo’ is an Igbo word that is used to describe the practice in which a nursing mother and her baby is taken care of by a close family member. In most cases, it is done by the mother or mother-in-law except in the case where they are not available, then another close female family member steps in. This practice though […]

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What wrongly ocupies us in Benue State

Religion, Stories 3/12/2016 by Nathaniel Ikyur

What wrongly ocupies us in Benue State

A couple of hours ago, the cyber space was awash with news ordinarily shouldn’t have bothered us. As could be predicted, this debate is dominated by my Tiv brothers and sisters on the new law, passed by the NKST Synod to check, according to them improper dressing in their churches. Interestingly, most of those discussing spiritual matters here hardly attend […]

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