Thirty Years Of Living And God Remains Faithful – Mngohol
Yes! It’s been 30 whole years of Abba waking me up consistently. If God was not merciful and kind to me, He would have stopped waking me up or would have said something like; This small thing feels so big these days, see how she is shaking the small bom-bom that I gave her fa, in fact, I will not wake you tomorrow. But He chooses to be merciful, kind and mindful of me. Thank you, merciful Father, I judge you faithful.

Thank you for choosing to save me Lord , I am grateful. In the midst of all the craziness of 2020, God showed up for me in ways I can not express.
He blessed me through so many persons. To the friends that made sure I did not go hungry I say, Nagode, May God make available help for you when you need it. To the ones who made sure I was not without a roof over my head, I say thank you in a basket. I may not be able to pay you back for your kindness but I pray God surprises you in magnificent ways.
To my family members and customers who supported my business, I say Dãalu (Msugh). God bless you immensely.
To the friend that made sure I am earning, I say thank you. May your cup never run dry and may you find favour when you need it.
To all my support systems, I say a big big thank you. May God never let you walk alone in life. In this new phase I pray I enjoy more;

- Tranquillity
- Adventure
- Quality friendships
- Joy
- Growth
- Love
May my faith not go weary and may my light shine brighter and brighter till eternity. May I be still for you to lead me Lord. I am 30 and life is just getting more beautiful and exciting for me.
Cheers *raises a glass in the air * To Life. To Love. To intentional living. To growth. To experiencing God more.

Ps: The last picture is what I want for my sweet 30th birthday if your spirit is pushing you to do something kindly do it… I am a fertile ground.
Thank you.
The Onyx woman.