Prayer for Benue State of Nigeria
God our father in heaven, you are the source of all wisdom, unity and love. Emperors, kingdoms and dominions tremble at your supremacy. To you belong glory, honour and power and no one can withstand you. We thank you immensely for the gift of our beloved and most cherished Benue.
We cannot thank you enough for the legacies of our heroes and forebears, the richness of our cultures and tribes, the fecundity of our flocks and fields, the serenity of our environment. And, above all, we stand in awe at the endowments of our youths in their minds, in works of art, and in several other untapped ways.
Father of compassion, we deeply regret that we have never being charitable in the use of these numerous gifts and management of these resources. Consequent of which some starve in the midst of profusion, others eat but are still malnourished, we all thirst while fresh waters run across our very feet, we dwell by the riverside and yet desire more than those in arid lands. We have hands, lands and resources but yet we offer nothing towards enhancing your creation in industry.
Comforter of the afflicted, the eyes of all creatures look unto thee, and you give them food in due time. We beseech thee, pour clean water over us as you once did to Israel your chosen people, that we might be cleansed from all defilement and delivered from all demonic manipulations.
Take out of our leaders the hearts of stone and restore to their bodies the heart of flesh instead, that they might realize that you have called them to lead us forth to the promised land of our dreams and not just to their personal kingdoms. Imbibe in us the citizens a spirit of unity and love that we might put aside tribal trivials and partisan sentiments to co-operate and assist these leaders towards a pure Benue and a better future. So that, when our future is done, we might have the joy to share in the place you have kept for those who know and do your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the Unity of the Holy Spirit One God forever and ever, Amen.