
Benue IDP Camp © IamBenue 2019

Development, Stories 22/08/2019 by Ivereniter Tserga

Your Minister’s Portfolio

Whether you support a minister or his portfolio, I think the hilarious part of all this banter, arguments and insults is the fact that: There is still no light in your house. There is still no water. No ambulance will come to pick you up in an emergency. If one needs oxygen in the underequipped hospitals, he will die.  River […]

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Relationship, Stories 22/02/2017 by Aondoakaa Fele

Is Marriage The End Of A Woman’s Dream?

… Isolated, Voiceless, Prisoned and all that for marriage sake! At first you were attracted to her looks, the things she does, how she dress, cook, smile, dance, walk and so on. But marrying her, you made her change most of her way of life to suit yours; That is making her to appear and behave as you want or […]

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