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Health, Stories 4/05/2018 by Anna White

‘Beyond The Glam’; A Anna White Documentary

The Glam is a documentary that was inspired as a result of personal experience. The project which started in October 2017 took a total of 6 months to complete and was worth every second. The research process was eventful as we sort the most appropriate form to communicate this subject to the public. Finding people to tell their personal experiences […]

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Creatives, Film and Photography, Stories 10/03/2018 by Akaafele

Beyond The Glam; Directed by Anna White

According to recent study by the Mind, Behaviour and Development Unit (eMBeD) of the World Bank, 1 out of every 5 Nigerians suffer from depression, this goes to show the precarious situation we are in. Beyond the Glam is a wakeup call for us to be our brother’s keeper; look is deceptive nowadays, those that seem to have it all […]

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Anna White @ I am Benue 2018

Relationship, Stories 14/02/2017 by Abu Igweye Anna

Deep Inside

I decided recently that I was no longer going to be afraid. I have always lived in fear, deep inside of me. Many people who know me will argue to their death that I am not afraid of anything, they usually would say I am one of the strongest and most courageous person they’ve ever known. But what do you […]

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