I Will Never Forget This Day Daddy
I will never forget this day Daddy when I ran up to your hospital room with my little water flask to serve your tea as usual, and I met the Doctors covering you with a white cloth, I saw my world shattering instantly right in my face at the fastest speed of life, and I broke down, I begged the Doctors to remove that cloth so you would have your tea, but they looked at me tearfully saying nothing, I ran to Mummy and saw her broken down and shattered, in tears still struggling to hold it together for us, who would save me?
The Doctors still rolled you away and that was the last time you spoke to me.
Oh how cruel life is!
Daddy, I miss you every second of my day. In life and in death no one has and no one can ever take your place in my heart. Love is stronger than death, and our love has conquered death. You are forever alive in my heart, as fresh as ever.
I love you forever. Your only.