Farming And Open Grazing Cannot Exist In Benue State
I have watched in horror the pictures of my Benue people slaughtered like animals. I condemn the acts of these herdsmen who I now prefer to call savages. I have also watched as the Presidency has shown little or no effort to mitigate this crisis. I have three things to say:
Firstly, educate the nomads
It is an undeniable fact that nomads in Nigeria are by no means a poor group. They possess rich herds that are convertible to cash that amount to millions. The nomads are economically empowered and they will go to any length to protect their herds. The need to educate and settle these nomads had been raised long ago by those who saw them as imminent threats to their host communities around Nigeria but not much could be done about it. The point I am driving at is the need for nomadic education which cannot be overemphasised. History has shown us that the neglect of any segment of the population of the country is a potential time bomb. Nomadic education will promote mutual understanding and reduce communal clash greatly. There is still the need to educate these nomads despite the atrocities they are committing across Nigeria. Educating them will also help them understand the law.
Secondly, the anti-grazing law should be rigidly enforced
Enacting a law is one thing. Enforcing it is another. The main objective of the anti-grazing law is to foster peace between farmers and the herdsmen. The reaction of the Miyetti Allah Cattle breeders is one that shows that they are over-entitled bullies only out to draw blood. They have no right over all the land in Nigeria. If your host community gives you a condition to remain on its land in order to foster peace why draw blood instead. As experience has shown us that the herdsmen are never going to abide by the law, my next paragraph is the last resort.
Lastly, the Benue people should take up arms against herdsmen
Also, the Livestock and Community Volunteer Guards should be trained on necessary security knowledge and armed to be able to combat these herdsmen desecrating our lands. We need to rise against the herdsmen and defend ourselves. We should get them before they get us again. The law has been passed. If they are sighted anywhere on Benue soil they should be treated as trespassers. Before they get us, we must get them down and take them out.
Farming and open grazing cannot exist in Benue State.’’
About me:

I am a legal practitioner in Abuja. My core practice areas are transactional law, Commercial Arbitration and Corporate Governance Consultancy.
I obtained a law degree from Benue State University and a B.L from the Nigerian Law School. I further acquired a masters degree in Law and Corporate Governance from Nassarawa State University, Keffi.
I am a member of the Nigerian Bar Association, Africa Bar Association and African Women Lawyers Association of Nigeria. I am also a certified Dispute Resolution Specialist.
In pursuing her desire to enlighten the public about the law and how to be law abiding citizens, I anchor a Television Programme titled: Judiciary Watch.
Aside from being a passionate lawyer, I am a bank of ideas and I am always willing and ready to share with anyone. I am also a goal digger as I don’t not see obstacles in my quest to achieve anything no matter how long it takes.
My adventurous spirit never lets me to pass up an opportunity to travel to any place within and outside Nigeria. Where my feet have not stepped on this earth, my spirit lives there already.