5 Things You Should Know About A Confident Woman
1. She is not afraid to speak her mind
Remember that you have to have the power to be comfortable with yourself before you let someone else in your life. Speak up for yourself and for what you believe in. Don’t be a pushover and always fight for what you believe in. Think you deserve a raise? Ask for a raise. Do not trade your happiness with your silence.
A woman with voice, is a strong woman.
Stop complaining. Complaining about a life you’re dissatisfied with doesn’t change anything. Carve out your life the way you want it to be and plan for it. You can be happy if you decide that you want happiness.
2. She is completely self- reliant
When she is self-reliant, she is enterprising, she uses the blessings and abilities God has given her to care for herself and families and find solutions to her problems without depending on people.
3. She holds on to her culture and heritage
A woman should know 5 things about her culture and heritage. She should be able to:
- Speak it
- Eat it
- Learn it
- Embrace it
- See it
Speaking multiple languages makes you desirable because you’re able to communicate with a wider range of audiences. Speaking it also re-enforces your cultural identity. You’ll be able to bond with friends, family and strangers. Practicing the language also allows you to pass your cultural identity down to your kids.
Wouldn’t you want them to know where their cultural roots are from?
The food is the soul of the people. She learns a lot about a culture through its food. Food is what brings people together, and with that comes a bond.
Also, being able to cook a cultural dish brings a feeling of accomplishment. When she can cook a dish to share with other cultures, you’re inviting them to know your heritage.
To know where your family comes from will deeply touch you. Knowing the hardships, pride and culture will help build your sense of identity. She should take pride in her family identity.
Too often, people are afraid to say they’re this or that. Forget all of the stereotypes that come with your ethnicity, and embrace it. That’s the beauty of life, we are all different. That is also the beauty of our world and the vast amounts of culture that live on this planet. Travel to your ancestral home at least once in your lifetime.
4. She genuinely cares for other people
She shows love and affection to family and friends and find solutions to problems relating to people around her and genuinely look for ways to settle dispute amicably.
5. She is intelligent and confident
She is not suppressed by what people think or say about her. She doesn’t talk about other women, she talks about their dreams, plans and aspirations. She Celebrates the many things that make her unique. She appreciate the ability to juggle more roles than any man. She’s a wife, mother, caregiver, nurse, boss and disciplinarian.
Believes in her uniqueness and embraces the beautiful things about having the world at her fingertips. And always take pride in her numerous accomplishments.
Mercy chile
Nice one
mnena Martha zaanana
Am proud to be a Benue woman
Wan Gaav
Yes, these are qualities of real women