
Stories 5/04/2017 by Candy Love

Don’t you think you are a wicked man?

Illustration by: Ojo Agi She was ambitious when you first met her. She told you everything she wanted to become. She told you how poor her family is and her dream to make it in life. You loved her and married her promising her heaven and earth. She believed and trusted you. You convinced her to have a baby first […]

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Religion, Stories 10/03/2017 by Rev. Fr. Isaac Dugu Chancellor, Catholic Diocese of Gboko

Pope Francis To Roman Clergy: ‘The True Revolution Is To Go To The Roots’

“It is very important to go back to seek the roots of our faith,” said Pope Francis to the priests of the Diocese of Rome, gathered in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran for the traditional appointment at the beginning of Lent. Before beginning his long meditation, the Pontiff heard the confession of some of the priests. A meditation within […]

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Inspirational, Stories 3/10/2016 by Akaafele

What Manner of Education? 2

“My father taught me to work. He did not teach me to love it.” – ABRAHAM LINCOLN Education teaches discipline. Discipline entails doing what is right because it is right even though we may not actually enjoy doing it. Discipline means controlling ourselves from within. It imposes sufficient inner checks on our natural instincts, which is why we are different […]

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