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Creatives, Music 4/10/2017 by Future Musiq Records

‘Amazing Mama’ – Archi

Intro: Uuuuuuuh ei a ei ya eh ahmmm uuh uuh eih a, aeiah them call me Archi Chorus: She’s so amazing she’s a blessing in disguise Her heart is pure and she never tell a lie Her love is priceless we can never buy And all she wants is the man who treats her right I got love for ma […]

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Culture, Stories 27/01/2017 by Ochanya Cynthia Okwoli

Omugwo Also Known As After-Birth Care In Nigeria

‘Omugwo’ is an Igbo word that is used to describe the practice in which a nursing mother and her baby is taken care of by a close family member. In most cases, it is done by the mother or mother-in-law except in the case where they are not available, then another close female family member steps in. This practice though […]

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